Memorial Hospital Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with its own Board of Directors, by-laws and Articles of Incorporation. Our vision is to develop relationships and financial resources to support the needs of Memorial Health System, its patients, and employees. The Foundation manages 26 funds that provide financial support for these needs. From medications for cancer patients to cooling blankets for NICU babies, a gift to the Foundation brings comfort and healing to our community.
Our 2023 Impact in Figures
Patient Assistance
We provided assistance 10,126 times through medication purchases, gas cards, medical supplies, and other services.
Employee Assistance
We assisted 85 employees through the Employee Crisis Fund and Burdonne Young Scholarship Fund.
Hospital Assistance
We funded 26 projects that improved patient experience and outcomes and provided support for staff.
Our Programs
Broaden your scope of good
in the community.
Society 46 is our provider giving society. Since 1946, the providers of Memorial have helped build a better hospital and healthier
community. You are the pillars of this health system, and we rely on your strong and lasting support of the Foundation. When you join your fellow providers in making a pledge to the Foundation, you’ll
broaden your scope of good in the community and secure a solid future for the health system.